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Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I hire staff in the Philippines?

You give us a job description, your budget, and your requirements. Our recruitment managers shortlist 3 candidates and send you the profiles through email. If you are satisfied, you can setup an interview with the candidates through Skype. If not, we will send you more profiles to consider. Once a particular candidate passes your interview, you can choose to hire.

Your staff begins work from home in your time-zone. You can collaborate with Skype, webcam, and our online tools.

How long does it take to hire?

The entire process can take up to 1 week depending on the type of skills you are looking for and the minimum experience required. We also screen and interview the candidates to verify their skills and ensure they can speak excellent English.

How do I communicate with the staff?

Most of our clients communicate with their staff through Skype and webcam which is completely free and very effective. Also, our online web tools will allow your offshore staff and you to transfer files, collaborate, and work on projects with ease.

How is the quality of work by the offshore staff?

We only shortlist the best people to work for you and we pay them well. It is in the best interest of your staff to do a good job. Filipinos are generally hard working, polite, and have excellent communication skills. In the first month, it is important that you take an active role in communicating with your staff. This will allow the staff to learn about your business, and clear any doubts.

How do I trust the staff?

You can 100% trust your staff. We know how to build trust between you and your staff. Our HR managers are constantly in touch with all parties to ensure work is going on smoothly. We have online tools that monitor your staff's activity on a daily basis including taking screenshots, activity log, and punctuality.

You can always call us for any assistance.

How do I monitor the staff?

At any time, you can see your staff through Skpe and webcam. Clients can view 5 minute screenshots of their staff's computer screen, view activity log, see start and end time, lunch breaks, coffee breaks... We also daily monitor your staff including checking for punctuality. We even make surprise visits to your staff's home working environment.

What is the cost of hiring?

There is no setup fee, no recruitment fees, no hidden fees of any kind. You only pay the hourly rate for hours worked by your staff.

How do I pay the staff?

You don't pay the staff directly. We would invoice you at the start of each month. If you choose to hire staff on a trial basis, you only pay for 2 weeks in advance. For full-time and part-time work, we require 1 month advance payment for each month. It is important that you make payment on time so we can promptly pay your staff.

You only pay for hours worked. For full-time work, staff work 8 hours in a day. For part-time work, it is 4 hours per day. If your staff does not work the required hours in a day, we will refund the amount or credit those hours to the next month. Also, any overtime hours (if approved by you) are charged in the next month's invoice.

Can I hire on a trial basis?

Yes! You are welcome to hire on a trial basis. There is no commitment, no agreement to sign. You pay only for a set number of days.

What is the process for removing a staff member?

We only require 24 hour notice if you want to remove a staff member. Any unused hours are refunded to you.

What steps are taken to ensure confidentiality?

We are extremely serious about privacy and confidentiality. Your staff are paid well and most of them would have worked for multinational companies in the past so they understand about privacy issues. We have NEVER had a complaint of any privacy or confidentiality breaches. Your staff will also be required to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. Remember, having an offshore staff is just like having staff in Australia or the US. You have to apply the same practices. For example, if you are working on a software project, then only give access to files that the staff is working on. We also thoroughly educate your staff on best working practices and work ethics. You have nothing to worry about.

What kind of support is provided?

You have access to our online software for monitoring your staff. You can contact us 24x7 and we will assist you. We are with you always to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Have more questions? Call us now at (02) 8005 6782

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